Size: Pan-size Cel (approx. 14.0" x 16.5")
Included: Layer 1 - Meowth face cel ニャース セル画
Layer 2 - Meowth body cel
Original Matching Hand-painted Background
Concept Sketch
Film/Show: Pokémon ポケモン ポケットモンスター
Source/Appeared in: Episode 247 "Will The Real Oak Please Stand Up?"
Original Broadcast Year: 2002
Studio/Publication: TV Tokyo/Corocoro Comic
Created by: Nintendo
Condition Notes: -
Description: Astonishing pan-size key master setup of Meowth from Pokémon striking an awesome pose with a Pokeball in his hand! With its enormous 16.5” x 14.0” size, amazing presentation, and excellent condition, it is certainly one of the best surviving examples from the coveted series with one of the key recurring characters that will be a centerpiece in any collection big or small!
Sold Out
Size: Standard Cel
Included: Layer 1 - Mouth Cel カスミ セル画
Layer 2 - Misty Cel
Copy Background from Pokémon
Douga Pencil Sketch
Film/Show: Pokémon ポケモン ポケットモンスター
Source/Appeared in: Not yet identified - identify and earn 5% in credit or 15% off this cel! →Click to learn more about our Identify and Earn Program
Original Broadcast Year: 1997
Studio/Publication: TV Tokyo/Corocoro Comic
Created by: Nintendo
Condition Notes: -
Description: Incredibly rare close-up cel of Misty, the very first heroine of the Pokémon franchise!
Size: Standard Cel
Included: Layer 1 - Misty cel
Original Matching Hand-painted Background
Film/Show: Pokémon ポケモン ポケットモンスター
Source/Appeared in: Episode 63 "The Battle Of The Badge"
Original Broadcast Year: 1997
Studio/Publication: TV Tokyo/Corocoro Comic
Created by: Nintendo
Condition Notes: -
Description: Incredibly rare key master setup from Pokémon of Misty in an awesomely detailed close-up shot!
$2,200.00 $2,500.00
Size: Pan-size Cel (approx. 12" x 9")
Included: Layer 1 - Misty Cel カスミ セル画
Copy Background from Pokémon made by TCG
Film/Show: Pokémon ポケモン ポケットモンスター
Source/Appeared in: Episode 60 "Beach Blank-Out Blastoise"
Original Broadcast Year: 1997
Studio/Publication: TV Tokyo/Corocoro Comic
Created by: Nintendo
Condition Notes: Tap holes (which most likely was detached and taped on the top with acidic tape) looks to have been removed
Description: Incredibly rare pan-size close-up cel of Misty, the very first heroine of the Pokémon franchise, with two tones of blue in the eyes!
Sold Out
Size: Standard Cel
Included: Layer 1 - Oddish cel ナゾノクサ セル画
Original Matching Hand-painted Background
Concept Sketch
Film/Show: Pokémon ポケモン ポケットモンスター
Source/Appeared in: Episode 10 "Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village"
Original Broadcast Year: 1997
Studio/Publication: TV Tokyo/Corocoro Comic
Created by: Nintendo
Condition Notes: -
Description: Incredibly rare key master setup from Pokémon, of Misty's Oddish that was abandoned by the former owner, but bonds with Misty and becomes her Pokémon later in the episode!
Sold Out
Size: Standard Cel
Included: Layer 1 - Togepi mouth and arms cel トゲピー セル画 (C1)
Layer 2 - Togepi cel (B4 End)
Layer 2 - Another Togepi cel (B1)
Layer 3 - Misty's body cel (A1 End)
Copy Background from Pokémon
Douga Pencil Sketch
Film/Show: Pokémon ポケモン ポケットモンスター
Source/Appeared in:
Original Broadcast Year: 1997
Studio/Publication: TV Tokyo/Corocoro Comic
Created by: Nintendo
Condition Notes: -
Description: Incredibly rare close-up cel of Togepi held in Misty's arm as usual, complete with two sets of cels with different poses and expressions! You could even print out the background with the Misty cel on top, and lay the Togepi cel on top by itself, and display two separate setups!
$3,000.00 $4,000.00
Size: 12-field Cel (Approx. 12.5" x 10.5" or 31.5 cm x 26.5cm)
Included: Layer 1 - Spryte cel
Layer 2 - Zelda and Link cel
Acid-free copy background made by TCG
Non-matching original hand-painted background from DIC
Film/Show: The Legend of Zelda
Source/Appeared in: Episode 1
Original Broadcast Year: 1989
Studio/Publication: DIC Enterprises
Created by: Nintendo
Condition Notes: -
Description: Incredibly rare production cel from the only animated adaptation of the iconic video game series and franchise! A true holy grail from the final climax scene of the very first episode, when a kiss between Zelda and Link gets interrupted by Spryte!