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Size: Standard Size Cel (Approx. 10.5" x 9.5" or 26.5 cm x 24.5cm)
Included: Layer 1 - Face cel
Layer 2 - Dororo cel
Original Hand-painted Production Background from Dororo
Film/Show: Dororo to Hyakkimaru
Source/Appeared in: Episode 7 ”Nihiru the Cursed Katana” (cels)
Episode 12 "White-faced Buddha" (Background)
Original Broadcast Year: 1969
Studio/Publication: Mushi Production
Created by: Tezuka Osamu
Condition Notes: -
Description: A very nice shot of Dororo holding the cursed katana, from the legendary original 1969 TV series, with an original production background from another scene that was also from a memorable scene of a hidden cave with faceless corpses!
Size: Pan-size Cel (Approx. 12.0" x 16.5")
Included: Layer 1 - Hyakkimaru & Jukai cel
Original Matching Hand-painted Background
Film/Show: Dororo to Hyakkimaru
Source/Appeared in: Episode 2 "The Tale of Hyakkimaru Part 2"
Original Broadcast Year: 1969
Studio/Publication: Mushi Production
Created by: Tezuka Osamu
Condition Notes: -
Description: An absolutely incredible key master setup from Dororo, perhaps the only surviving example in a larger-than-standard size, of Hyakkimaru wearing his iconic anchor-patterned kimono with the katana for the first time in his life, before embarking on a mind-numbingly arduous journey as a severely disabled boy in a brutal war-torn and poverty-stricken Sengoku-period Japan to retrieve his body parts from the demons!
Size: Standard Cel
Included: Layer 1 - Hyakkimaru cel
Original Matching Hand-painted Background
Film/Show: Dororo to Hyakkimaru
Source/Appeared in: Episode 9 "The Tale of Banmon Part 1"
Original Broadcast Year: 1969
Studio/Publication: Mushi Production
Created by: Tezuka Osamu
Condition Notes: -
Description: An incredible key master setup of Hyakkimaru intensely staring down his father Fudou with the remnant of Banmon in his background with a katana deployed from his missing limb, making it clear to Fudou for the first time who this boy that has appeared in front of him is - truly a very emotionally strong and politically charged episode inspired by the tragic histories of the 38th Parallel between North and South Korea, as well as the Berlin Wall!
Size: Standard Cel
Included: Layer 1 - Hyakkimaru cel
Layer 2 - Dororo cel
Original Matching Hand-painted Background
Film/Show: Dororo to Hyakkimaru
Source/Appeared in: Episode 24 "Shike Nyudo"
Original Broadcast Year: 1969
Studio/Publication: Mushi Production
Created by: Tezuka Osamu
Condition Notes: All layers stuck
Description: An incredible key master setup of Dororo getting stuck in Shike Nyudo's fish trap, a yōkai formed by four types of animals: rats, moles, otters, and toads, and Hyakkimaru about to go out to find someone for help!
Size: Standard Cel (Approx. 12.5" x 10.5" or 31.5 cm x 26.5cm)
Included: Layer 1 - Hyakkimaru cel
Hand-painted Background
Film/Show: Dororo to Hyakkimaru
Source/Appeared in: Episode 17 "Yokai Donburi Bara"
Original Broadcast Year: 1969
Studio/Publication: Mushi Production
Created by: Tezuka Osamu
Condition Notes: -
Description: A very rare key master setup of Hyakkimaru from the original 1969 TV series!